grouping quantity field in report


For getting consumption of material against a work centre i had done the following things :

  1. added "Prod. Order Routing Line "as first Data Item

  2. added “Prod. Order Component” as second data item and indented it.

Iam getting exact results what i want but i want to add the quantity field of “Prod. Order Component” .

So how to do this plz suggest me from report point of view but no from form ot table point of view that is i dont want to add any field in table and write a code.

Is it possible plz suggest me


For getting total of quantity, you can define for that DataItem, its TotalFields as Quantity (for DataItem, Prod. Order Component >>Shift F4>> TotalFields: Quantity) and then add a footer in the report and display Quantity in this footer.

Are you using “Quantity” field or “Expected Qty. (Base)”??

You mentioned in one of your previous posts, that you want to know the total consumption at the end of the day, if that is the requirement then you need to consider the “Finished Production Orders” also. The entries for “Finished Production Order” will be there in “Item Ledger Entries” table.

Yes Bhansal u R rite I want to Know total Consumpton.

Now as u said i should take Item Ledger Entry .

Also one small suggestion bhansal, Will i need to take prod. Order Component really.

Can’t i filter the consumed items by inventory posting Groups CONSUMABLES Really.


Please post your exact requirement and I would suggest you, how to do that.

PS: My name is Bansal, not Bhansal [:)]

4276.4.bmp (710 KB)

Hi Bansal,

I have pasted the report created by me.

In that report i want to total the quantity based on work centre that is

Items quantity total for assembly department and another total for packing department.

So this is my requirement iam confused about where and how to insert the footer


The design of report is not correct.

I suggest you to do some home work, clear ur basic concepts of Group Footer,GroupTotalFields, TotalFields and all…

In this report Item table shouldn’t be the first data item.

Although in earlier post I said that I will provide u the answer/ solution but I believe its better for u to clear the basics and do it urself …