Export To Excel

Hi everyone,

I export a list from NAV 2015 and everything is fine except the dates . The problem is that ,if one record (a) in the list has a blank date and the record above it (b) has a date ,the record (a) takes the date from the record (b) . If anyone has encountered the same problem and found a solution please respond . I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Can i know how you have exported To Excel??
I Mean have you run a report or by Clicking Excel Option/button or anything …

Thanks for the reply . I click the Print & Send on the menu and then Microsoft Excel

Have You installed Latest CU , If not please Install and try Again . This Might be Bug but it usually Works .
Thanks for Info …:slight_smile:

I searched a bit and found that Microsoft fixed it on CU 5 when I am using CU 4 . Thanks a lot for your help and time .