Enumerating all the controls on a form

OK, maybe I am asking this question wrong, but I have been unable to get the answer just by searching for the solution, and it seems like it is a fairly straight forward question.

I would like to create a method that I can add to any form that would on initialization of the form, walk through all the control objects on the form (single line edit boxes, pull downs, grids, etc) and enumerate each one. The idea is that as it goes through all the controls, it checks to see if any of the controls have a background color with a custom base enum value.

If the control has a regular background color value, it passes by the control without doing anything. If the control has my new value for that control, it resets its background color to the values I have in mind.

This is meant to give the administrator the option to put a special color for the control that would designate that the user needs to pay attention to that particular field.

Any suggestions would be welcome.
