Email multiple attachments

Using codeunit Mail.Newmessage how is it possible to email multiple attachments?

And how can one avoid having to confirm the profile when outlook is not started.

you can use automation variables of Outlook OutlookApplication Automation ‘Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library’.Application OutlookEmail Automation ‘Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library’.MailItem OutlookEmail:= OutlookApplication.CreateItem(0); OutlookEmail.“To” :=EmailId; OutlookEmail.Subject:=Subject; OutlookEmail.Attachments.Add(Attachment); OutlookEmail.Attachments.Add(Attachment); and so on

Is there in general a manual on how to use automation objects ?

i think you can get in msdn, if you know visual basic then you can use these easily.


Originally posted by ajayjain
i think you can get in msdn, if you know visual basic then you can use these easily.

Yes, the MSDN docs that are available on CD or, I think, on the MS homepage, contain some very good and detailed information on what Automation is and how to use it. It covers everything from the basics, over how to use COM, up to creating your own COM objects (=servers). I can only recommend reading this manual.

How about using a + ‘;’ + between the attachements