Date field in rdlc report

Hi All

In Visual Studio (for creating rdlc report) there are Date fields. But if in CC (in the table) there are’n fill that fields so if there aren’t value for date, when I print rtc report it gives me date 01.01.01 . (mabey Visual studio gives that date) so:

CC: there is no date, ex : Due Date is empty

RTC: the same field has value 01.01.01.

I tried with expresion =iif(Fields!Return_Order_Processing__Due_Date_.Value = 0D,true,false), it throws error : Operator = is not defined for type Date and Integer.

I have tryed with =iif(Fields!Return_Order_Processing__Due_Date_.Value = “”,true,false)

and =iif(Fields!Return_Order_Processing__Due_Date_.Value = 0,true,false), btut there is same error.

how to do if there is no date in cc=> don’t print in rtc 01.01.01

=iif(ReportItems!textbox194.Value = “01.01.01”,true,false), with this expression is ok, but this is not solution because if there is value 01.01.01 in cc then will be hidden also

Did you try by setting the FORMAT(“Due Date”) in classic sourceexpr?