Customer phone update.

Hi guys,

I want a X++ job to update the customer phone number i will pass the customer code and new phone number in the job and it should update the customer phone for the specified user.

Please i been searching all over and could not found the solution thanks.


instead of job you can export existing data in excel through AX. Prepare data only mandatory columns with phone no and import ie update that respective data only.

Try it first in demo.

Thanks for your reply.

But i have a requirement to update using the 3rd party application i am using .Net business connector for this thats why i need the code using the x++ i need the code to make this update.

Have a look at

\Data Sets\LogisticsManageElectronicAddressMini\Methods\createOrUpdateElectronicAddress

Hi Kami,

You are working in AX 2009/2012??



Hi Kami,

You are usign AX 2009/2012??



I am using AX2012.

Kranthi i didnt get it. Can you give me with an example of how to use this method please.