Consolidation - Balance sheet ending balance exchange rates elimination

I created a consolidation company to consolidate my two subsidiary companies. The issue that i am having is that when we run the elimination and exchanges rate use for the beginning balance is not the latest exchange rate we are using but rather the historical exchange rate. Am i missing an step on the consolidation to allow me to convert my monetary accounts to the exchange rate from the latest reporting period. Please let me know if anyone is having the same issue. Or do i have to do it outside the AX

Does anyone has an opinion on this? Let me explain a little more. The way we were told is to go go back to prior year and delete the eliminations entry and re run the entry with the latest exchange rate. Because the system only convert the activity for the period that I am running and it does not convert the beginning balances.
Please if anyone has other way of doing it will be greatly appreciated.

Please search if there is a available documentation in it. If you cannot find anything, have a developer to investigate how the exchange rate is determined (this would be easier to do, i believe).