Can I put the AssetBookTable.CurrentOperationTax as a parameter?

Can I put the AssetBookTable.CurrentOperationTax as a parameter?

please help thank you so much

I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re doing. Could you please give us much more information?

thanks Mr. Martin
I have a report and have to show amountcur with many condition & NBV from table assetgroup
and I have 3 parameters that is, transdate, assetbookid, & curretoperationstax
but i doubt with currentoperationstax

this is my query
while select assetgroup


tmp.CompanyName = CompanyInfo::find().Name();
tmp.ReportTitle = “Perincian Aktiva Tetap”;
tmp.TransDate = periode;
tmp.AktivaProduktif = “Aktiva Produktif”;
tmp.Perolehan = “Hasil Perolehan”;
tmp.GroupId = assetgroup.GroupId;

select sum(AmountCur) from assettrans where assettrans.AmountCur
&& assettrans.AssetGroup == assetgroup.GroupId
&& assettrans.TransType == AssetTransType::Acquisition
&& assettrans.TransDate >= startdate
&& assettrans.TransDate <= enddate;
tmp.Penambahan = assettrans.AmountCur;

select sum(AmountCur) from assettrans where assettrans.AmountCur
&& assettrans.AssetGroup == assetgroup.GroupId
&& assettrans.TransType == AssetTransType::DisposalSale
&& assettrans.TransDate >= startdate
&& assettrans.TransDate <= enddate;
tmp.Penjualan = assettrans.AmountCur;

select sum(AmountCur) from assettrans where assettrans.AmountCur
&& assettrans.AssetGroup == assetgroup.GroupId
&& (assettrans.TransType == AssetTransType::AcquisitionAdj
|| assettrans.TransType == AssetTransType::Revaluation
|| assettrans.TransType == AssetTransType::AssetTransfer
|| assettrans.TransType == AssetTransType::ProfitLoss)
&& assettrans.TransDate >= startdate
&& assettrans.TransDate <= enddate;
tmp.Reklass = assettrans.AmountCur;

select sum(AmountCur) from assettrans where assettrans.AmountCur
&& assettrans.AssetGroup == assetgroup.GroupId
&& assettrans.TransType == AssetTransType::DisposalScrap
&& assettrans.TransDate >= startdate
&& assettrans.TransDate <= enddate;
tmp.Pemusnahan = assettrans.AmountCur;

while select assettable
join assettrans where assettrans.AssetId == assettable.AssetId
join assetbook where assettable.AssetId == assetbook.AssetId
&& assettable.AssetGroup == assetgroup.GroupId
assetsumcalc = AssetSumCalc_Trans::newAssetYear (assettable.AssetId, assetbook.BookId, prevMth(enddate), year(systemDateGet()));
tmp.previousmonthbalance+= assetsumcalc.netBookValue();

while select assettable
join assettrans where assettrans.AssetId == assettable.AssetId
join assetbook where assettable.AssetId == assetbook.AssetId
&& assettable.AssetGroup == assetgroup.GroupId
assetsumcalc = AssetSumCalc_Trans::newAssetYear (assettable.AssetId, assetbook.BookId, enddate, year(systemDateGet()));
tmp.thismonthbalance+= assetsumcalc.netBookValue();

please help
thank you so much

my problem is
when i select parameter currentoperationstax
there is no filter on my report

I see you didn’t tale my advice seriously and you keep running a huge number of unnecessary queries. It also makes your code unnecessary complicated, making your job harder. I would think that people prefer doing things in the easier and more efficient way.

Anyway, I don’t see any reference to currentoperationstax in your code. Can you point out to the right part of your code?

Also, what exactly do you mean by “there is no filter on my report”?

sorry Mr. Drab, i put the currentoperationstax in contract class

i mean when i run my report which current/operations/tax/dualwarehouse
and then my report show all of the group id from assetgroup as previously same as not enter currentoperationstax parameter

If you merely added a new data member to a contract and you never use it anywhere, you shouldn’t be surprised that it doesn’t have any effect.