Calling the function through CurrForm.SalesLines.FORM

Hi all,

I have created a new function fun1 in the sales line table. But i cannot access this new function from my sales order screen in the line menu, just like CurrForm.SalesLines.FORM.ShowLineComments .

whnen i put my code CurrForm.SalesLines.FORM.Fun1 in the line menu , i get the error " You have specified an unknown variable , fun1"… How can i access my new function here.

Thanks in advance


Hi Shibs,

You can’t call a function on the source-table of the sub-form directly.

You can however create a function on the subform it self, that calls the table function.
Then you can call the function on the subform from your mainform.


Do i need to write the same function name in the subform?

To make sure you won’t get into trouble, i’d suggest to call it something different.

Simply create a function in the subform.
If your table-function calls for some parameters, remember to create the subform-function to call for the same, and send them along.

Thanks Alexander . Its working now.