Function for update subform

Hi All

Would U like to tell me function about update/refresh subform. Like I found that should be new function because CurrPage.Update doesn’t work. I need to update 2 fields in purchase order subform.

Well you can call subform’s UPDATE from inside parent page. One solution is:

In the subform page add a new fuction in C/AL Globals named UpdateForm (with a parameter as Boolean) then add the following code in the function:


Now to refresh the line, go back to your parent page and add the below code in OnValidate tirgger of the control on the header that you are updating:

** supposed PurchLines is the name of the subform page part control


No I don’t need to update control in a main (Purchase Order page), I need in a sub form. The fields that I am changing are new fields in a a Subform Purchase Order Page.

Can I do the same for the subform? Should I explain more specific?


The code by Jay is updating the subform (PurchLines) from the main page (currPage), so if that’s not the problem, then what is? You should just call this code CurrPage.PurchLines.FORM.UpdateForm(TRUE);

But which version are you using and is it forms or pages? (You mention both in your post).