AX40 Decimal Data Storage & Values Sum Up in Excel Enquiry

Hi there,

I am a newbie to AX, and have some questions regarding to AX4.0 data decimal places data storage.
As I know my company has the following AX4.0 decimal places setting:
¨ Amount: 2 decimal places
¨ Quantity: 4 decimal places
Here are my questions:

  1. How many decimal places are exactly stored in AX4.0 DB in our case?
  2. Why >2 decimal places values found in Excel (ver 2003) sum up ledger amount (expect to be “$0”), which exported from General Ledger Module, Ledger Transaction List” text report”? Total details as follow:
    ¨ Foreign Ledger Amount -$0.0000000314298063130
    ¨ Local Ledger Amount -$0.00000001198613517814

Thank you!


About Q2, anyone have the same problem also?

Please kindly advise if it is AX decimal data store issue or excel sum up issue.

Thank you!!
