Anybody can explain me the function of find in Dimensions table

Anybody can explain me the function of find in Dimensions table

client server public static Dimensions find(SysDimension _sysDimension, SysDim _sysDim, [boolean _forupdate, 
    ConcurrencyModel _concurrencyModel])
1. How to give SysDim 
2. What is ConcurrencyModel 

Hi Hussain,

Find function is used to find the record from the dimesnion tableā€¦Just we go with the example as having the dimension as

Description Num DimensionCode
Administration 10 Department
Finance 20 Department
Sales 30 Department

So in this case the parameters in the find function

SysDimension is the Dimension code(i.e. Department,CostCenter,Purpose)
SysDim is the Num of the Dimension(i.e. 10,20,30)
boolean is true/false
ConcurrencyModel is used for the database performanace.
it is of Auto,optimistic,Pessimistic
Optimistic concurrency does not lock data when the data is retrieved from the database for modification.
A pessimistic concurrency uses an update lock to lock data when the data is retrieved from the database for modification

Naresh Kolli