After compile transformed page

You cannot enter ‘Course Group=Field(Code)’ in FieldNo.

Did you make sure that both tables are already compiled?


But did it help you?

This and “open the object and use F11 (compile) to see where the error is - then follow the error message” is basically the only answers we can give you. If like most of your examples, its in a page filter, then delete the current value, and recreate it manually.

This is another reason why I personally never used transformation tool. There is simply still too much “manual work” involved when you use it. And forget about “advanced forms” like matrix and main/sub-forms types with lots of “functions” etc. - the result often look awful and has to be redone anyway.

Stick to simple forms and then re-do the rest, including customizations to the standard ones. If you have transformed any of the non-custom (below 50000 and above 99999) then you would have reset whatever other changes Microsoft have made. Including any of your custom forms (in the 50000 to 99999 range) which are based upon copies of standard objects. There its much faster to re-create them.
And if you still have a lot of them, then outsource this task. Plenty of companies who have specialized in it and can actually do use it. If you only need this for a single project, then the learning curve is too high.

Yes, thanks