Add additional menu item in action plane

Can we add one more action button in lookup.?

When user right click on any form, its show some action in lookup which is defined by microsoft.

can we add another control in following look up .?

Please @martin help


Martin Dráb can you please help.

Check the below file i uploaded with steps for mdoifying the right-click context menu.

3733.Modifying the right-click context menu.docx (487 KB)

Hi Anand,

Thank you so much for such valuable information. we will try with process.

Thank you so much

Hi @Anand,

I want after opening the form go to general tab then during right click on group caption i want to add one more “Action button” named as “open URL” and it should be applicable to all the form please help how to i add one more “action button” or “menu item” on right click of group caption. @Anand, @martin
