The “old” players from France did punish the youngsters from Spain 3-1 for being a bit too cocky ( the player Raoul told the press before the match that it will be Zidane’s retirement day, how wrong he was ) and underestimating what the French team is capable of achieving.
If we can beat Brazil next saturday, that would be one step further towards the final and maybe the world cup
After the dreadful Swixerland game - from a neutrals perspective - we are probably just hoping for a better game, but not with much hope. The italians seem to have a bit of luck with them, or is it money [;)] so I think Italy will move forward on that one - sorry.
Uh, David, you beat me! When I first saw this thread I thought about the Luis Vuitton Cup, which is presently running in Spain. Didn’t even remember about the soccer championship! [:S]
I generally concider myself as an Australian/Czech/Brit/American, so going into the match, I though “we” had four chances, well down to one now, … hang on let me find my British Passport [:D]
I just found the “technical paper” of the WC teams. After seeing it, I am definetly going for Brasil with the vote. Their tactics seem to foolish even the physical laws [:O]
PS: For couple of editions, my country team is missing from the WC, since 1998 [:(]. That time was our football gold generation of Gica Hagi and we had good matches and managed to beat toughest teams like Argentina and England. Hagi is known as the greatest romanian football player of all times. [:)] (287 KB)
Guess the championship ended even for your 4-person personality today, David.
Too bad for the English - they played well.
While we sucked yesterday.
But, it’s still a great achievement for our team - the first time our country takes part in the final part of the Soccer WorldCup, and we get to the top 8 teams.
So, congratulations Ukraine, and I am off to watch Brazil - I voted for them.
Brazil didn’t play well, or the French were just too good. The French deserve the win.
I’ve always rooted for the germans, and not I don’t have a german passport, but lived there for 3 years as refugee so I had some kind of papers…
Yahooooo! We’ve now beaten Brazil, match after match France plays better, it’s a shame Zidane is retiring after this world cup, against Brazil he has shown that he’s still one of the best player on the planet …
Next matches are France/Portugual and Italy/Germany
o I think Portugual should be easier to beat than Brazil and we could win something like 3-0 within the regular 90 minutes.
o Italy/Germany is going to be a great match. The Germans really really wants to win this world cup but it’s damn difficult to score against Italy so this going to be a very interesting match …
Il calcio non è, come sostengono gli specialisti del senno di poi, uno sport logico: fosse così, piacerebbe agli americani, che invece lo respingono. Il calcio è profondamente ingiusto e casuale, ma emozionante: imita la vita, che ogni tanto ci regala emozioni così.