Word Automation in Navision Attain 3.1

Hi all, I am a Student and still not so familiar with C/AL and also Visual Basic (but one day I will ;-). I have a nice task in a Project to do: I have to import Word-Documents into an Attain 3.1 Database. Furthermore, I need to write a kind of a parser in C/AL to analyse data in the Word-Docs and create Tables with the appropriate Information I got. My question is: How can I easily 1. get access to Word Documents (with example code if possible ;-)) and 2. write a C/AL Codeunit to search the Documents and extract Words to create the table-names? Thanks very much in advance! Thomas

You can do that with Automation objects. You could look at codeunit 5054 WordManagement for a starting point. Django

There is an overwhelming lot of sample code and explanations for all sorts of Automation programming in this forum. Just use the Search function under “User Forum”.