When exactly records create in CustTrans and VendTrans and how these tables getting data. We have OrderAcoount in CustTrans Table and we don’t have Order Account for VendTrans table. I need to get OrderAccount also for Vendor. Can you please explain how to get this?
Thanks Kranthi. here I have created new field named OrderAccount and created mapping for that field in CustVendTrans map. but I have data in VendTrans table, now I need OrderAccount values for existing data. can we get this or not? because based on this OrderAcoount only I have to do customization on VendAging report.
i initialized OrderAccount for CustVendTrans map in initCustVendTrans() method of CustVendVocher Class. but can you please explain how to write that script to get updated data for OrderAccount in VendTrans.
In my scenario for purchase order creation AccountNum and Invoice Account is different. I created field in VendTrans with name OrderAccount and i did mapping in CustVendTrans map, assigned orderAccount variable to CustVendTrans.OrderAccount. Now in VendTrans table i am getting same value for AccountNum and OrderAccount, but i gave diff in Purchase order.