When Running the " Consistenct Check" following error come

Hi All

When Running the " Consistenct Check" following error come:

Account number C-00223

The default value Quotation for summary update is missing.

The default value Picking list for summary update is missing.

The default value Packing slip for summary update is missing.

The default value Invoice for summary update is missing.

This coming for all the Customers.

Can u tell me what is wrong here.


Hi Imran,

Check Summary update parameters form under Sales ledger > Setup > Sales ledger parameters > Summary update and set up values there

I also presume you imported the customers?

Hi harish

ok i am not using this feature, i am just creating the PO and invoice separately.

Manually key one customer - do you get the error on this customer?

For all the customer i am getting this error. But when i am not using this functionality why it is throwing this error.

It is a related table populated automatically with default settings, so you are using it even if set to none, if you read me posts and do as requested it would help narrow it down but you seem reluctant to do this so I will presume you imported them and did not populate related tables as AX would do if you manually created the record and therefore you caused your own issue.

Thanks Adam for reply.

i just want to know why it is happening and i am not reluctant rather want to know and learn the things.

And one more error is coming which i am not getting, following is the string information:


Sales summary update

Table Customer parameters

Must be a number between 1 and 999.


Please advise me.


Why is because you imported your customers without populating all required tables in my opinion, but you seem to have ignored this question a couple of times.

no no i am not ignoring you answer at all…

But i havnt use any tool or script for importing the data, the user enter them from the front end from the forms itself.

The issue is the tables are not populated, you can get a developer to debug but the records are not being created correctly.

ok i will ask the Developer to check

And thank you so much for your kind support.

Hi Adam,

I also encounter the same error when I imported the customers through DMF. The thing is, I just followed the DMF demo data,




The error “Must be a number between 1 and 999.” is due to the credit card - number of days before expired not beeing filled. (Sales ledger parameters) This error does not mean anything unless you are using the creadit card setup.

I Hope this will help.

/ BR

thanks Steffen