What's the point of going to 3.01 or 3.1?

No, that is not my rhetorical question based on frustration. I actually wonder if anyone has seen any literature that spells out the advantages of going from 2.xx to 3.xx to customers - factsheet, brochure whatever. I dont mean the ‘Changes’ document in the install CD or such material, but something that will summarize for the end-user why he/she should upgrade. e.g. you can use unlimited dimensions, you have item charges, expected cost posting etc…

I think the best feature of Attain is the detailed vendor/customer ledger. You can now see all the transations agains the account including realise/unrealised currency revaluations and discounts taken. Paul Baxter

If you are buying regulary items with floating prices (eg. foreign currencies) 3.xx is much better in calculating you a correct purchaseprice. bm

Hi guys, Dont get me wrong, your points are valid but unless someone sits and compiles all of them in an attractive package, it can hardly be marketed to existing 2.xx customers who know Navision already but dont know the good stuff about 3.xx I like the points you have bought up, but I would like to know if Navision A/S or any NTR has a nice, summarized factsheet of these and other points that we can push to existing customers. After all, the indirect model means that the principal should help us NSC’s with these little things. I will probably spend a day or two now building up a ‘factsheet’ from scratch for my 2.xx customers. All I would then do is basically collate data, and I think that is a waste of time.

Your NTR has fact sheets, brochures, powerpoint presentations etc etc. Lars Strøm Valsted Head of Project and Analysis Columbus IT Partner A/S www.columbusitpartner.com