What is withholding tax and how is it calculated in ax 2009 ?


In PO header we have setup->tax->it’ll show you tax

For example One PO has two lines

item1 → qty (1) ---- unit price( 2195)—disc % (30)—Net Amount( 1536.50)–tax code (VAT) item tax code (14.5%)

item2-> qty(1)------unit price(150)----no disc----Net Amount( 150.00)-tax code (VAT) item tax code (14.5%)

so tax-> 1536.50+14.5% = 1759.29 - 1536.50 =222.79 for item 1

150+14.5%=171.75-150=21.75 for item2

so total tax is 222.79+21.75=244.54

But how with holding tax is calculated and where can i see that value ?

And withholding tax and TDS are the same thing ?

Withholding tax is calculated at the time of making payments.

TDS can be calculated at both Payment and Invoicing.