What is the reason behind the DB size got increased after Table Otimization?

What is the reason behind the DB size got increased after Table Otimization? Database used size got reduced and Database size got increased.


During optimization program reindexs the index and it increase the log file size this will cause the increase in DB.

To shrink the log afterward - if necessary - you should use a DBCC SHRINKFILE command (only on the Log) and not the “Shrink Database” option!

Personally I would NOT shrink the log file after a reindexing. You should do a reindex on a weekly basis, so it will autogrow to the bigger size anyway. If you continuously shrink and grow the log file, it can get fragmented, with severe performance problems as a result. The best thing you can do is find a stable size and just leave it alone.

So NAV Table Optimization will result the grows up of log file and database size, ryt? But the database used size will be got reduced after optimization. Is right?

If the database is growing (data or log) during an optimization (or any operation) then it doesn’t have enough free space.

Yep, the gowth is because you make changes (optimize indexes) thus the log increases.
