Web Service error

Hello there,

I have been trying to execute a codeunit function in C#. I have already got the web service accessible and working. The issue is I have a similar coding executing on one system (developer version) perfectly, but when I use the same coding on the target machine (customer version) I get an exception while executing that particular function…Here is part of my coding:

NavWebservice.WSCM1_PortClient client = new NavWebservice.WSCM1_PortClient();

client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(“Administrator”, “enbis8home”);

client.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;

//I get the error on this line:

client.ErstelleErfassungsSheet(abnahmestelle, periode, berichtsID, ref filecontent);

And this is the exception I get on the target version:

The value of INDEXING parameter 1 is outside of the permitted range. The current value is: 9. The permitted range is: from 0 to 0.

I am also finding it difficult to identify which one is the indexing parameter? The parameters passed above are as follows:

abnahmestelle → string

periode → string

berichtsID → string

filecontent → passed as a ref string (in navision this parameter is defined as a variable passed by reference → marked as VAR)

Although I have imported the same codeunit from the developer version, and this starnge exception occurs. What could be the reason. If anyone could Please help?

Hi Mohammed,

Please check object id used in Navision should be present in client license. Also change customer license on your developer machine and check same it is working or not?

Please check Web service is able to access from your customer machine or not?