Vertical lines in salesinvoice

How can I insert a vertical line in the invoicereport from top to bottom of a4 paper when there are for example three saleslines (like pre-printed paper). We 've tried with integers, but no succes yet. Can this be done easily ? Best Regards, Mark Trouwborst LIMO Automatisering B.V. tel +31 (0)182 631 333

Why is the integer no good? Set NoOfLines for the fullReport - Footer Section. NoOfLines:=20; The in the Section Decrease the NoOfLines only on show output! n=lines per section If CurrReport.Showoutput then NoOfLines:=NoOfLines - n; Integer OnPreDateItem() SETRANGE(Number,1,NoOfLines); In your Section for the Integer add your Vertical Line! Mr David Cox MindSource (UK) Limited Navision Solutions Partner Email: Web:

It can be done like David said but watch out, we had problem with invoices which had a number of saleslines that just fell over the page-size. The final footer with the total fields acted very strange on those invoices, sometimes it was printed at the top of the next page and also the transport footer and header were missing. My advice, don’t use those lines unless you really have to! Marco de Vries Navision Consultant/Developer ICM-Solutions

Marco Transaction Headers and Footers should not be a problem! The problem with wraping to a new page would happen if you have conditional footers Like in the UK we have VAT analysis which is dynamic could be a number of lines also Shipping Address, on the Order Confirmation Report. You would have to add code to caculate the no of lines shown after your Integer Section for this to work, adding these to your static footer size. Mark did email me a note to say that in this case it worked OK. MarcoV Wrote: It can be done like David said but watch out, we had problem with invoices which had a number of saleslines that just fell over the page-size. The final footer with the total fields acted very strange on those invoices, sometimes it was printed at the top of the next page and also the transport footer and header were missing. My advice, don’t use those lines unless you really have to! Mr David Cox MindSource (UK) Limited Navision Solutions Partner Email: Web:

Mark, We have done invoice with lines for several customers. The method Dave describes is about the same. The keypoint is keeping track of the number of lines already printed. We also substract the number of lines in each section, and when a new page is printed, the NoOfLines counter should be reset. Furthermore, force the footers to be printed at the bottom (property setting). If you like to get a copy - no problem. Send a mail, or just come by. We (Duolink) are located in Waddinxveen also (that’s in Holland for those who live a bit farther away). John