Vendor tax invoice register journal workflow

Hi guys,

I want to have 2 levels approval process for vendor invoice journal. First, managers review the invoice and approve it; senond accountant reviews the approved invoice and post it into right account. I know the 2nd one can be done by approval journal. What bothers me are

  1. i want managers to be notified via email when a batch journal for vendor tax invoice register is posted (or created). To enable so, I confugure “vendor tax invoice register journal workflow”. When a batch journal is posted/ created, managers are supposed to receive a notification. However, the workflow isn’t triggered. When I open workflow history, nothing there. Do i miss out anyhting here? If that will help, i also process toturial_workflowProcrssor and nothing going on.

  2. I woudl assume once “tax invoice register workflow” is configured, the “post” button will be disable and a new button “submit” will show up. “Post” button will only visible when manager approves it. Somehow I cannot see “submit” button and “post” button is still there. Any clue why?

Hi Suzyn,

Have you enabled the approval workflow against your journal name?

  1. Click General ledger > Setup > Journals > Journal names.

  2. In the left pane, select the journal to use the approval system for; for example, a journal that has a journal type of Daily.

  3. In the Approval workflow field group, select the Approval workflow check box, and then select a workflow that has been set up for the journal type in the Workflow field.
