How can I tell on the item card what VAT rate is associated with an item?
When I lool at thw item card, I can see the VAT Prod. posting group, but when I do a lookup on this it show me a list of VAT Posting Groups with what seems to the selected on highlighted. This how ever does not tell me what rate is being charged. If I then lookup the setup it again shows a list of VAT Business Posting groups.
Am I missing something here ? How do I know what VAT Rate is being charged for an item?
You enter he VAT % in the setup records. It’s the combination of product posting group and business posting group that determines which setup the system uses during order entry. So if you have a domestic customer (Bus. PG DOMESTIC), for a food type Item (Prod. PG FOOD), your VAT % may be 5 (just saying a random number), and you set this up in the VAT Posting Setup.
Again, it would help a lot to know which country you are in. Most contries have a “Base VAT Rate” for goods, and if you just need a close estimate, then you can just multiply the price byt he base vat and get a number.
Daniel, you surprise, me, all those years in the US, and you still remember VAT [;)]
The VAT Rate is defined, as the COMBINATION of VAT Bus. Posting Group and VAT Product Posting Group
In other words - The Combination of the PRODUCT and BUSINESS. In Denmark you useally have one TAX Prod. Posting Group - Taxable, and two Bus. Posting Groups - Taxable and Non-taxable.
You then attach the Prod. Posting Group Taxable to all items, Resources and G/L Accounts from wich you sell directly etc.
All Domestic customers and vendors have the VAT Bus. Posting Group to Taxable also - international customers are set to non-taxable. (EU might have a different code).
I sure do remember VAT, the 17.5% that I had to pay extra for everything I bought, and I think that even went up to 19%. You buy a 30000 EURO car, you have to pay almost 6000 EURO in VAT. I remember that pain very well[:)] Over here we have sales tax on some things, and it’s only 6%.
Thanks for the replies guys. I am in Ireland, but there can be a mixture of VAT rates (3 really) which can be applied to items depending on their classification. Most common rate here is 21% so DenSter’s 19% would be a bit of a dream.
What I need to do is a price including VAT field to the Item card. The item will always have a VAT Product Posting Group selected against it. So, I have the unit price and the VAT posting group, how do I evaluate the VAT inclusive price for this item?
To be consistant, you may want to show each possibility on the Item card.
have a switch value depending on the Product + Business
The worst thing is to show potentially misleading values, I suggest creating a temporary table and displaying the results (make the item form larger). The max number of lines will be the max number of combinations.