Using the Setup checklist to import Customers

Hi all!

I am using Nav 4.

How can I do to:

  • Use the Excel mapping tool for the customer table

  • Import all customers from that Ecel file that I would like to give to my client.

I have an error message that says: " This message is for c/al programmers: Could not invoke the member name". The OLE control or automation server returned an unknown error code".

I dont understand why it’s not working. Any help will be appreciated.




Hi Guys!

Finally I found an answer , I didnt populate the data on my excel sheet base on properties from the customer fields. So when I did that, evrything was jsut fine. So the tool is really good to import /export customers from/into Navision.


Please provide detailed steps in NAV 4.00 regarding import/export customers from/into Navision as it would immensly help me in my day to day working.


Hi Stelco,

These are steps that I have used to Import Customers list from Excel into Navision

  1. Setup checklist
  2. Function/Excel mapping Tool
  3. Create a new Code
  4. choose the master file Ex: Table 18 Customers
  5. Enter a file name to create the Excel file
  6. assign a mapping Group for your master data Ex: Sales
  7. After Header done → click on the button Function/ insert fields from table
  8. The step 7 will populate all the fields from the table → customer fields
  9. click Export definition
  10. Export data if there are any and make all changes that are needed
  11. Now from the Excel file created, add all your data Ex: all customers
  12. Reimport data into Navision → function/import data
  13. all data are now into Navision.

Hope this will help.
