Hello everybody, I was trying to use the Gantt functionality within the Contoso environment but frecuently I have the message “No nodes to display” or the orders does not have the Gantt button available. I need to learn how to use this functionality. Any suggestion on documentation available for this? Many thanks!
Hi Héctor
I have no documentation, but the no nodes appears when the settings in the setup of what you are viewing are not configured to show anything. As for the Gantt not available I am not sure I have seen this, but it would imply there is nothing to see - jobs ended or not scheduled I presume. Have a play with the basic analysis Gantt view, you can configure work centres and focus on where you know there is scheduled work to show.
Thanks Adam, I was playing around with some orders I created, with their BOM’s and routes, I also created the work centers, their capacity, I verified the calendar also… but couldn’t get some information on the Gantt. I’ll keep looking and trying. Thanks!
This button will be available after running your job scheduling…
It will show all the jobs that are scheduled and you can alter them in the Gnatt Chart.