Users Ending - blocked problem


I am facing problem of Ending - blocked of user status.

any idea?

What are you ending?

I am also facing the same problem, Many of users status showing “Ending - Blocked”, (under AX 2009 > Administration > Common Forms > Online Users. can anybody help to resolve this issue.


Have you tried to restart the client machines that the users are accessing AX on?

Also restarting the AOS would be advisable.

This MSDN link should help

this is a strange behaviour.This is because AX locks the user session when there was a problem in prosessing the transaction and if you see the online users some of them would have been locked for the past few days. You can go to

Sql Server > Dynamics AX database > SysClientsessions and find the session id from the online user form and delete the record. Now if you go back to the online user list , you should see the user session has been deleted.

good luck