I want to assign No. series for each user under General Journals. Is it possible to assign a Journal Batch where that no. series is only accessed by the assigned user.
You an create different batches per user and there is a field called No. Series in batches…if you add No. Series then Document no.'s will be created from using that No. Series.
Understood, but all the no. series will show to all the users know?
Can you be more clear please?
Batch 1 - S00001 - User A
Batch 2 - G00001 - User B
Batch 3 - F00001 - User C
There are three No series under 3 batches. When User A opens General Journal, he should be able to see only Batch 1 and its no series. Other Batches should be hidden for User A.
Go to Object Designer.
Select the Table Tab and locate Gen. Journal Batch table with ID 232.
Click on the Design button to open the table designer.
Add/Create a new field (name it “User”) to Gen. Journal Batch table 232.
Set the TableRelation property of the newly created field (“User”) to “User Setup”."User ID"
Select the Page Tab and locate General Journal Batches page with ID 251.
Click on the Design button to open the page designer.
Add the field (“User”) to General Journal Batches page 251.
On the C/AL Globals page do the following.
Name DataType Subtype
GLSetup Record General Ledger Setup
GLJournalBatchAssign Record Gen. Journal Batch
Add code to OnOpenPage trigger of General Journal Batches page 251 to apply the filter.
//If Not the Finance Controller then restrict the view
IF NOT (GLSetup.“Finance Controller” = USERID) THEN BEGIN