user access

Hai I am admin in my system .how can i copy the user groups to excell ?.for example i created new user like abc and i want to add some user groups .I have zxb user and this user’s same access i need for abc. please help me.


Do you mean that - copying of one user group permissions to another user group…

If it is so - Export the permissions of the user group you want to copy. it will generate a .asg file.

now create a new user group - click permissions and imoprt - ( the above .asg file)…

why do you want it to copy to excel…

Thankx indeed. i want to copy this to excel,how is it ?.You r from india ? where are u working ? which is u r city ?.anyway thankx a lot

Nobody can help me in this context ?.Just i want to copy the selected group of permissions .please help me

I dont know what is the use of it.

use an alternative way of printing the report in Excel.

Administration → Reports → Security → User group permissions → select the required user group and print it and save in Excel format.

Thank you Kranthi,

I think u didnt get me.for example i have user abc,my previous administrator given some permissions like acc_301,chif_310,inv_310 ok.So i want to take a back up like what permissions are alotted to this user.Why i am looking this bcoz now i want to give one impotant permission,abou this permission i dont have any idea so if i copy whatever permissions are now applied to this user later it will be helpfull to me.So by each user how to know what permissions are they have.I think now u may het what i am looking for.Thanx in advance.