Upgrade from 2.6 Navision Financials- Attain 3.10

One of our clients is upgrading from Navision Financials to Navision Attain 3.10. They have some modifications made to their original 2.6 database to take care of certain issues. We have actually completed bringing in all the code in the 2.6 version to the 3.10 version. Now, the client wants to keep all his hsitorical data as it is. They want the ability to navigate on a document and actually see the posted invoices and sales tax entries etc from the time they have started using Navision. They use around 137 tables. The best way we thought will be to dataport in all the table data from 2.6 to attain 3.10. Has anyone done this before is it a feasible solution? Are there any glitches in this solution. Or anything we need to be aware of? Is there any other better way to do it. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks, Anu

I would highly consider using the merge tool provided by navision instead of the method you suggest. You can contact Tom Wickstrom (thomas.wickstrom@astongroup-us.com) at the Aston Group for additional information. He is the upgrade expert IMHO. [:)]

Why not just use the Navision provided upgrade toolkit? -Dave Hutchinson

Hi Anunall, If you are performing upgrade as specified by Navision, all your data shall come in the new version except the new dimensions,value entry, detailed ledger entry tables. As you aren’t performing any compression of data, you can still drill down to document level for all earlier data. Are you saying that there are 137 extra tables used in customization range? If so, you can dataport them w/out any problem except that you need to take care of how it may affect in the new design(I mean functional part). One more advise, do search for Developer’s toolkit and upgrading on the site. There has been comprehensive discussion on the same to help you clear your doubts. [8D]

Thanks guys, we are doing an upgrade. The other question I had was about new user requirements. The client wants some additionally functionality added after the upgrade. We were planning to finish the upgrade and then make modificaitons to the object file to take care of new requirements. My only question would be if we run the restore procedure of the 2.6 backup after making additional modificaitons will there be any problems?