Updating an existing worksheet

Is it possible for us to update/reuse the existing excel workbook/worksheet using dynamics NAV without creating a new workbook every time ??

By following the below mentioned prototype we were able to achieve the solution

  1. Open the excel file by specifying the file path.
  2. Specify the excel sheet name.
  3. Clear the already existing contents.
  4. Export the values in the same worksheet

The following code drives the above steps:

//xlapp – Automation – Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library. Application
//xlbook – Automation – Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library. Workbook
//xlsheet – Automation – Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library. WorkSheet
//filepath – Text [1024]

Filepath:=’’; //1. Specify the location where the excel file is stored locally


//1. Opening the excel file
xlbook:=xlapp.Workbooks.Open(filepath);//2. specify your file path with the filename.xls(x)

For complete information follow the link specified below
