update the LOt ID Sequence for purchline


can any one please know about this, I am trying to import a file from excel to ax in purchline table. i don’t know if this right first i create new PO and 2 item in the line then after that i export the file to excel then follow the template that i need. i want to import the item line from excel than encode in actual, but the problem is the lot id. how can i update the sequence of lot id after importing.

Many Thanks and Best regards,


how you are importing the records

through standard - excel import

or a through a custom template…

From definition group using of format template wizard excel


I am not sure what issue you have with LotId.

LotId is generated by number sequence set up under Invent parameters → number sequences. If you are manually setting LotId, look at the number sequence and set up higher value in your spread sheet. If you go down this route, don’t forget to adjust this number sequence later.


Thank you very much sir., actually i try to find out where is the sequence setup of lot id. it is only in the inventory module. again sir., thank you very much

Lot Id - that is inventTransId which is an unique Id for every transaction…

Resetting this number sequence may cause duplication of this number when some is doing a transaction - when you

are tring to import …


is Lot ID and InventTransID both will be the same ?