Update conflict error - get buffered table

Hi All,

Sometimes, i am getting the update conflict error because the updating table may be already in buffer.

So, my idea is if i get the buffer table than i can directly update the buffer table.

  1. Is it possible to check the table is already buffered or not?

  2. How to get the buffered table record?

Thanks for advance,


I explained how update conflicts work in this thread few days ago. The problem occurs if you try to update a buffer which uses an outdated version of the record.

Therefore I don’t understand what you’re trying to do. You’ve written: “So, my idea is if i get the buffer table than i can directly update the buffer table.” If you didn’t have any buffer, you couldn’t try to update database with an old version of the record and there wouldn’t be any update conflict at all.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your reply.

Last time, i got update conflict error in the purchase packing slip form by using the below code.

purchline UpdatePurchLine;

while select forupdate UpdatePurchLine where UpdatePurchLine.purchid = _purchid






I solved by using the below code

UpdatePurchLine = LocalPurchParmLine.purchLine(true);

So, i thought the table buffer may be used in purchase order form or packing slip form.