Unique document number in posting.. why?

Dear gurus, Hoping you can help me with this query… Under normal circumstances, when I use a journal to post transactions… Navision does a check to verify that i do not have the same document number for a document type invoice for the same account type / balancing account type which is customer or vendor. However for the above scenario for Document type invoice and account type of Bank Account, G/L Account or Fixed Asset and the balancing account is also either a Bank Account, G/L Account or Fixed Asset the control to ensure that no same document no. is used for the account is not validated. Why is that so?? Help!!! SOS… From Ally G

That is fairly easy to explain. There is a checkmark to set in P&P and S&R setup to ensure external document numbers unique per vendor and customer. The uniqueness of these numbers is getting checked only if these checkmarks are set. There is no such check for the other “Account Types”.

It doesn’t actually check the Document No… As Thomas says, it checks the External Document No… There is nothing stopping you from posting 2 Invoices with the same Document No. The External Document No. is only really applicable for Customer/Vendor Transactions, so that would be why it only checks these.

Hi chrisk & tb, I wasnt really referring to the external document no but to the doc no field found on most journals. Ie when i post a sales journal, if i enter the same document no for different lines with the the following details:- line = 1 doc no = 1 account type = customer document type = invoice line = 2 doc no = 1 account type = customer document type = invoice an error appears stating invoice document no 1 has already been posted. However, if i change the account type = g/l , fixed asset or bank (ie other than customer or vendor) that error doesnt appear. Why?[Duh!] Rgds, Alysia

Hi Alysia, Basially the Document No. is used in other parts of navision where it is the primary key. For example, in Table 112, primary Key “No.” is the document no. in the GL entry. The logic being: Document Type::Invoice, Source Type::Customer, Document No.::= Invoice no. So there is a logical source for this. Your issue, is why do Navision maintain this uniqueness int he journal, when it is not required. The reason is concistency. Navision is assuming that you may have written code that requires a unique Invocie number, and thus is preserving that requirement. If you change one of the paramaters (eg DocTyp=BLANK) then the document you craete is not controlled. The other option is to modify the code to allow duplicates, but really that is wrong, and you shouldn’t do it.

Hello - is there a flag somewhere in NAV 5.0 SP1 that detemines if the external doc number must be unique?

The manuals indicate if the require external doc no. is ticked - the number must be unique- my testing has shown differently, but I have been trying to find some more info on what/ when the same external number is allowed for multiple sales/purchase trans for the same cust/vend.


Hi John

I’ve decided we need to do the same - did you manage to sort this out?




Did you read this thread completely? [:@]

Thomas already answered hereinabove - ExtDocNo Mandatory - these are checkmarks both in Sales and Purchases SETUPS !

i think the warning really appears beacause a unique doc no. is required per transaction. unless you don’t use the bal. acc. no. and treat the 2nd line as credit or debit to the first line, you would be allowed to use same document no. per line. this is in line with the rule that one invoice is allowed per customer. AFAIK, each sales invoice in the SALES AND MARKETING MODULE requires a single customer.