Transfer users between environments [infos+rights]

Hi everybody!

First, sorry for my english… [:$]

Second, i’m new in Environment AX administration.

Third, i need your help ^^

I manage at least two environments which are in the same domain but user’s rights are differents between us.

I want to know where user’s informations and user’s right’s are stored in the SQL Database. I believe that user’s informations are stored in SYSUSERINFO table but I dont’ know how to find user’s rights (Administrators, etc.)

In fact I want to save these tables before restore database and import users tables to keep their rights to access to the AX Environment…

If someone have an idea, it would be very kinf!

Thx in advance!

Hi Carla,

Please refer to this blog -

Hope this helps.


Thank you very much Harish, it’s works !!!

thx thx thx!! [<:o)]