Transfer Order!


We are using Navision Version 5.0.

In Transfer Order list, there are 2 fields, Completely shipped & completely received. But these fields are not getting automatically checked when Items are completely shipped or received.

But in Transfer order lines, the same fields are automatically being checked (Completely shipped & completely received)

Is there any issue in Navision? i mean any bug!! or can some one please explain…



The fields in the header are so called flow fields and therefore display the content of the lines.

If ONE of the lines is not completely shipped/received, the header will not contain the checkmark.

Please check if really all of the lines contain a checkmark.

I think this is a bug.

These two fields in Transfer Header table are Flow Field and the flow formula for first one is :

Min(“Transfer Line”.“Completely Shipped” WHERE (Document No.=FIELD(No.),Shipment Date=FIELD(Date Filter),Transfer-from Code=FIELD(Location Filter)))

where this should be

Min(“Transfer Line”.“Completely Shipped” WHERE (Document No.=FIELD(No.),Shipment Date=FIELD(Date Filter),Transfer-from Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Derived From Line No.=CONST(0)))

means Additional filter for : Derived From Line No.=CONST(0)

Thank you very much for the reply Thomas & Dhanaraj.

We had cases where, there is only 1 line Item in Transfer line. It is completely shipped but the Transfer list “Completely shipped” is not checked. So, this is confusing us.

Anyway, if this is a bug, can we approach our Navision partner for Hot fixes? or service packs. We heard that Microsoft normally releases hot fixes for bugs.

Please advice.



I don’t think that there is any hot fix for it. Your partner can help you in this case.

This is not a bug, as far as it is my concern even though it is a weird assumption made by microsoft.

The “Location Filter” FlowFilter Field must be set to “Transfer-From Location” value for the flow fields to work as a user expects.