On the stock of a company there are transactions in “registered” state, which were created in the past years. Most of it is from the last 3 years, but there are some until 2011.
Being old transactions, these quantities have almost all been used for other purposes (sold on sales orders, consumed on production orders, …) and therefore are no longer disposable (removing this quantities the total would be negative).
I must therefore understand the best way to close them and to prevent them from causing incorrect quantities and values on the AX stock value report.
I would add that the financial periods of 2022 are still open, but those of previous years are not. In practice, fiscal periods have been closed without including invoices, because the procedure of reception of the material has not been completed for some transactions.
The process of receiving the material was never completed, which would take me from the transaction “Registered” to “Received” and would value the quantity.
I have to understand therefore the less impacting way in order to clean the transactions, considering exactly that closing it normally it would value me of the quantities and therefore it would change me the value of the warehouse.
In the past, on other companies, I did this:
- Completed the receipt in stock with a previous date than the first date of use of that quantity
- Counting or Stock adjustment positive at the same date
- Cancelled the reception on the PO always on the same date
- Deleted the quantity opened on the PO (Remaining Quantity on the PurchLine)
In many cases I cannot avoid this error message:
Having the constraint to make these transactions by the date of first use of that batch (for example if that batch number was registered in stock and then sold 10 days later, I will have to settle by the date of sale) I’m going to touch the stock value of that period. In this case it is very old times (Some transactions date back to 2011) and no longer having the financial periods open I do not know what is the best way.
My objective is to close these transactions in state “Recorded” without to over-balance the value of the warehouse in that period. Currently, the items considered, have different prices than those charged previously.
Thanks a lot!