Transaction date must be specified - Retail Sale

Hi, I’m trying to do a sales order using the Call Center feature that let use some functions of retail directly on Ax, specificaly I want to use a mix and match discount, for that I followed the instructions from this blog (…/)) Everything is ok until I try to invoice it and this error shows up:

I searched in many pages and blogs but I can’t find any solution, anyone have an idea how to solve it? I’m using Ax 2012 R3 CU8.

Check the Retailtransactionsalestrans, retailtransactiontable and retailtransactionpaymenttrans for the record where the transdate field is blank and that transaction is included in this statement.

I’d checked these tables already, the sale order isn’t present in any of them, I only found it in retailsalestable and there is only document date that is already filled.