tracking development.

I have a team of 3 Axapta Developers at the moment and they all seemingly do their own thing, without much in the way of documentation or version control.

I’m just wondering what people are using to control their axapta development projects? Ie bug fixes, feature requests, testing cycles etc.

As the new IT Manager here I am finding teh Axapta Development side of things painful to come to grips with and truly understand what my staff are upto without having some kind of version/documentation tools.

You can also check out the link below:

(it doesn’t work at the moment for some reason)

Axaptapedia has been down for a few days now. I believe the site admin is on vacation.

If you are on Ax 3.0, take a look at this addon. We used it for a project and it is pretty useful.

He is on vacation. Will be back in over a month.

Meanwhile, here is a link from Google cache of axaptapedia, where you can read about AOTVersionControl

I work with a few developers that have experienced the same problems. They created their own tools to address documentation and version control for Axapta

You can find more information on our website:

Or you can PM or email me for information.


Here are links for some IDE extensions for Ax there are 3 Version control implementations including the free one mentioned by Ivan