The transactions on voucher %1 do not balance as per %2. (accounting currency: %3 - reporting currency: %4)

Hi All,

I’m getting this error when try to post an invoice. I just do a bit debug and see vendor’s line (Vendor balance - LedgerPostingType::VendBalance at PostingType field) at SubledgerJournalAccountEntry is missed and so balance is not zero because of sum values with subledgerJournalAccountEntry.TransactionCurrencyAmount, and subledgerJournalAccountEntry.AccountingCurrencyAmount.

Is there any idea why vendor balance record is missing?

Do you have the vendor posting profiles setup correctly?

It had a x++ customization mistake. meanwhile we just tried different parameter changes and broken posting profiles setup too. Two mistakes one time was very unfortunate for us. It made to harder to debug error.