I am using Navision 1.2, I am trying to go to General Ledger and Business Snapshot. When I click on Business Snapshot I get the following Error - ------------------------------------------- The Accouting Period does not exist. > Identification fields and values: Starting Date=‘02/01/04’ ------------------------------------------- Thank you.
Could you confirm what version of Navision Financials you are using? I’ve not heard of Navision 1.2?!?!? [?]
Hi, There was a 1.20 Navision Financials that came out, between 1.10 & 1.30, but I have never seen it actually in use (Too old). That said, I have not heard of a “business snapshot”. I have a basic US1.20 database and there is no “business snapshot” option as far as can see on the General Ledger Menu. I assume that this is some sort of KPI (Key Performance Indicator), in which case it is some sort of modification done for you. You might want to go to General Ledger => Periodic Activities => Fiscal Year => Accounting Periods, and see if an Accounting Period needs to be created. If this does not solve the problem, then you will have to speak to the developer or NSC who did the work for you, as only they will understand how the feature works. If you are indeed running Financials 1.20 you really should think about moving to a newer version, as your current version is very, very old. 1.10, 1.20 and 1.30 are no longer supported and support for 2.00 and 2.01 expires (Provisionally) in the US and UK sometime this summer.
Well I don’t even remember hearing about a version called 1.2 - I first started working with GB1.10 [?] Ed’s right though, you will need to get in touch with the NSC and/or developer and pose your questions. Also as Ed said, please consider strongly the option of upgrading to a newer version. [:D]
Hi, I have been doing some digging on 1.20. I think that this may have only been released in the US, as neither myself or Connull have seen a GB version. Oddly enough, I cannot seem to find any record of a US version of 1.30? [?] Maybe the rest of the world’s ‘1.30’ was the US ‘1.20’ on the basis that going from .1 to .3 might have been confusing from a US marketing point of view. Either way 1.20 is very old and must have been relatively short lived (Not a good sign).
Originally posted by Edward Maybe the rest of the world’s ‘1.30’ was the US ‘1.20’ on the basis that going from .1 to .3 might have been confusing from a US marketing point of view.
Are you ‘wagging’ our Transatlantic friends? Like it! [:D]
Actually that is the way I remember it over here in the US. There were specific decisions made not to upgrade to the 1.3 WW version and just wait on the 2.0 version of Navision. I think 2.0 was release WW back in June of 1998. Here’s the official announcement that went out in the US in November of 1997. Product Communication NAVISION Financials Worldwide Products November 10, 1997 NAVISION Software US, Inc. Although the current version of Navision Financials Worldwide is 1.30, Navision Software US will continue to carry Navision Financials Worldwide version 1.20 for a short period of time. This is a slight deviation from our policy of discontinuing the distribution of versions prior to the latest version. However, since our primary product, Navision Financials (US version), is at version 1.20, we are making an exception to this policy. Continuing to provide version 1.20 of both products facilitates coordinated development efforts for international companies that need to use Navision Financials for US-based companies and Navision Financials Worldwide for companies abroad. For international companies that have chosen not to use Navision Financials, but would rather use Navision Financials Worldwide for all operations, we strongly advise that they purchase version 1.30.
Thanks Bill for clarifying that for us.
Have you set up the accounting periods for the new year?
ver 1.0 was a very bad product, and the release of 1.1 was really the first completely working product. (0.9 was actually better than 1.0 !!) 1.1 basically duplicated the US DOS product ver 3.55 known as Avista, this differed from the gb version in the posting group setup etc, and fincials was basically functionaly equivilent. The US were ahead in functionality to the rest of the world, since they had human resources in version 1.1, so when 1.2 was released ww, for the us it was complete, since it had hr, rm and fa, where as every one else had to wait for ver 1.3 to get all three of these. So since the us had 1.2, they did not spend the effort to release 1.3. Having done a lot of 1.2 and 1.3 installations, I feel 1.3 was a much better product, though externally it looked almost the same. Business snapshot is (was) a us add-on.
Hello David, Thanks for the clarification!
Did you ever see version GB 1.4 ? It was anounced, released and died all at about the same time (I had a CD, but threw it out long ago). Navision have been pretty hit or miss with their version numbering. (Odd for a company build on a database whose core is the version principle). Microsoft made it very clear that when they release a product, the version number will be concistant world wide, which is great news. Up to 1999 nearly all the implementations I did were multi national, so I was heavily exposed to these issues.