Synchronization in CP between Navision and SQL

Hello I’m having some troubles synchronizing Navision tables with SQL tables in CP 2.65. When I hit the Force synchronization' button from Navision, I get XML messages in the synchmq’ queue; but those messages are kept there and they don’t do anything in the SQL database. Is there some store procedure that should be executed in SQL Server to read the queue written by Navision? Thanks, Toni

Stop and Restart the NAS and Commerce Portal Synch service. The CP Synch service will read the message queue and write to the SQL database.

Hi I restarted the synch service. When the service started I watched the files that the procdriver.exe binary is using —via the filenom utility—, and it uses obviously cpsync.dll. But the activity from procdriver.exe stops a few seconds after the starting of the service. Could it be some problem with the timers? What timer is the synch service using? Thanks again, Toni

I have a similar problem. NAS pulls data properly and the queues seem to work except for the synch queue and error queue (what CPSynch is responsible for). Commerce Portal Synchronization service doesn’t poll the queue at all. The registry settings are correct for the two queues. Things I’ve tried 1) Start + Stop CPSynch 2) Put workstation in a domain and work group. 3) Run CPSynch Service Login under local and administrative accounts. 4) Uninstall/install Commerce Portal. 5) Uninstall/install MSMQ (as well give full permissions to everybody for all queues) 6) Re-validaed all the NCPI resources under commerce server Manager. 7) Uninstall/install Commerce Server Any ideas on what can prevent CPSynch from finding the synch queue? Everything else works but CPSynch. Thanks, MK

CP Synch handels the MSMQ at the MS Commerce Server. Gets the messages out of ‘synch mq’ to the Commerce Server to the SQL-Server. If failed you can find the message in ‘error mq’.

Hi Guys, I have similar problem. The messsage just get stucked in Synch queue label and CPSYNCH services indicate still running. I found the PROCDRIVER is hung/won’t stop when restarting the CPSYNCH and utilize CPU about 25 percents. The only difference from others, I just need to restart the CPSYNCH and the synchronization back to normal. Thanks