
Hi Could anyone suggest the best way for maintaining the following (without dimension concept): 1. We would like to maintain the account in the sub-ledger format in the navision 2. A single account in the chart of accounts, will have multiple ledgers separately. (for ex:- an account called deposits will be created in the Coa, and would like to maintain separately the deposits given to government departments, private parties towards rent, and others deposit like retention money deposit) For each deposit to government or rent or rmd, would like to have a separate ledger and the consolidated amount would only appear in the coa. Thanks Mani

Take a look at the General Business Posting Groups, Vendor Posting Groups, Customer Posting Groups, Bank Account Posting Group. All of these are retained in the General Ledger and appropriate subsidary ledgers from which data can be filtered. The General Business Posting Group will be used for classifying Revenue and Expense accounts while the other groups will be used for classifying Asset and Liability accounts.