Stopped (error): X++ Exception: Cannot create a record in Alerts

I am experiencing the error below with my Purchase requisition workflow once I submit.

Stopped (error): X++ Exception: Cannot create a record in Alerts - event inbox data (EventInboxData). Inbox ID: 5637144620. The record already exists. at

Any help out there??

I think I found the solution here >>

Just cleared the tables and phew! it worked.


Hi Josephat Kutieto,

I am also getting the same error. I tried

cleared the tables and its not working.

Can you please help me if you have any other solution.


Hi Kumar ,

All I did was to truncate the EVENTINBOX table.

Just ensure that you backup the table before you truncate it.

Hi All,

I experienced the same error. All what I did is to truncate Eventinbox table.

My workflows are now working fine.