i would like to ask is it possible to setup the stock count for below scenario?
i have item A, i setup the warehouse item = MW warehouse
Item A only have inventory transaction in MW warehouse and the last inventory trx date is in 19 Feb2014, Do NOT have trx in March.
i have item B, i setup the warehouse item = GW warehouse. Item B only have inventory transaction in GW warehouse and the last trx date is in March 2014.
I have perform a stock counting in 28 Feb month for warehouse = MW and the counting journal is Okay, which mean i posted the counting record for Item A. It still have on hand on 50 pcs.
I create a stock count journal (by warehouse) via Lines> Create> Item.
Physical inventory = TICK
Not counted since = Blank
Warehouse = MW
Now i want to perform stock count for 31 March, using the same parameter above, AX does not generate the counting record for item A due to no inventory transaction in march. What is the parameter change in order for AX to generate item A in the March counting? Kindly advice.