Hi is there way in AX SSRS Reports where i can convert all text box values or captions typed to uppercase or vice versa
like we do in ms excel select text then shift +F3.
thanks in advance
Hi is there way in AX SSRS Reports where i can convert all text box values or captions typed to uppercase or vice versa
like we do in ms excel select text then shift +F3.
thanks in advance
Hi Vinesh,
I don’t think there is any shortcut to do that
you have to use ucase(fields!fieldname.value) function in your expression for all textboxes.
thanks for you super fast reply … but then as u say kedar if i put in the expr the funtion u gave where will my actual expr coed lie ex i want to add =Fields!name.value now where will i accomodate ur value
Change your expression as - =ucase(Fields!name.value)