SSRS Report and debugger doesnt see new table extension fields


I created table extension and added 12 new fields, added all on the ssrs report design but they show blank value, and then i open debugger i dont see them in the list of fields of a variable ???

Please give us more information. For instance, is the report based on an RDP class? Does the class contain code populating those fields?

In debugger, look into Extension_Fields node of the table.

Report is based on RDP

I now see it populates fields in Extension_Fields node, but on report it shows blank, i add field values in header and footer like this:

=First(Fields!InvoiceNumExt.Value, “SalesInvoiceHeaderFooterDS”)

Code is: (Tell me what is wrong with this class to add fields data for header and footer in Credit Note report… ?)

final class SalesInvoiceDP_Extension
protected void populateSalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp(CustInvoiceJour _custInvoiceJour, CompanyInfo _companyInfo)
SalesTable salesTable = _custInvoiceJour.salesTable();
CompanyInfo companyInfo;

companyInfo = CompanyInfo::find();

next populateSalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp(_custInvoiceJour, _companyInfo);

salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.InvoiceNumExt = _custInvoiceJour.InvoiceId;
salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.CreditNoteDateExt = _custInvoiceJour.InvoiceDate;
salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.PurchOrderFormNumExt = salesTable.PurchOrderFormNum;
salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.CustomerAccountRefExt = salesTable.InvoiceAccount;

salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.ContactInformationExt = + ‘\n’ + companyInfo.teleFax() + ‘\n’ + companyInfo.url() + ‘\n’ +;

salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.DeliveryAddressExt = ‘’;
salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.TotalNetExt = 0;
salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.CarriageNetExt = 0;
salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.TotalVatExt = 0;
salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.CreditNoteTotalExt = 0;

salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.CoRegNoExt = ‘’;
salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.VatRegNoExt = ‘’;

