SSRS format date-fields to regional settings


I have dd-MMM-yy in short date of my regional settings, still the date fields in the SSRS reports appear in MM-dd-yyyy format.

The format options in the VStudio do not point to system date format.

Is there any way to achieve this?

Posts from the past like 445410 are not much of any help. Could it be taking the date format of the server instead of picking from the client machine?

I tried

Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Reports.DataMethodUtility.ConvertUtcToAxUserTimeZoneForUser(Parameters!AX_CompanyName.Value, Parameters!AX_UserContext.Value, **(tablefield)**, "d", Parameters!AX_RenderingCulture.Value)

but not of use.

The format options in the VStudio do not point to system date format.

i dint understand this line, but according to me you can use directly format on field

=Format(Fields!Date.Value, “dd-mm-yyyy”)

That way the dates will always print in dd-MM-yyyy format. I want the dates to be printed based on the regional settings of the user machine and not of the SSRS server machine.

if your format is not being change you need to use the AUTO in the formatting property , also use only EDT type fields

I have found from other forums that




could be of some help. However, I am not well versed with the datamethods.

Can someone provide me a link I may refer to?