SQL Generator

Hey All ,

Is there a tool available for converting a table or a form to SQL Select?

I.e Flowfields to subselect etc.



I recall Jorg Stryk long ago wrote about that - but couldn’t find it on the spot, it might be either here in NAV SQL forum or in his blog.

Flowfield definitions in Table are almost ready subselect statements, minor editing is required, but I can agree that automatic tool would be handy. However, I have been to lazy to create one, always postponed it for some day, when I have less or nothing to do…

This day has never come, I still write the TSQL from scratch. (besides FFs there are Option fields, too - over years I almost know by heart now what SELECT CASE to construct for any given table).

The thingy Modris has in mind is this here: http://www.mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=1101

It’s ancient and has never been changed; don’t know if this suits your needs …